Tuesday 13 May 2014

Happy Vesak…

Lotus at Kandang Kerbau Hospital Lotus Pond. 
(Details added indoors)
Holbein Artists’ Watercolor on Stillman & Birn Delta Hardbound
This day commemorates and celebrates the birth, enlightenment (nirvana) and passing away (Parinirvana) of the Lord Gautama Buddha all in one day. A miracle, no?

Anyway, on this day, I went on a morning walk at the Kandang Kerbau Hospital: the place of my birth. I love the lotus pond just next to it. I also love capturing the flowers in bloom in the pond. It’s quietly contemplative there and I love it.

In the midst of my sketching/painting, I suddenly thought of my paternal grandfather. Not sure why. Was it the music I was listening to, or the statuettes of Bodhisattvas that lined his residential shrine? I am not sure. I hardly know the man, except that he was my father’s father and he’s brother (my granduncle) was a sailor. Anyway, I let the thought come in and out of my contemplation as I recorded the flowers pictorially and in watercolours, before me.

Like the withered and brown ones in the pond, the man, my grandfather had passed away years ago and like the pods left standing in the sparkling green waters, his body has also gone to seed.

Happy Vesak.

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