Sunday, 28 July 2013

A return to the good ol' CHIJMES...

The spire of the chapel peeking out of a canopy of trees...
Click to enlarge: Capitals feature local flora and fauna
I went back today to catch CHIJMES in a better light. Given the good fortune of fine weather, I was able to properly explore the place and discover details that I had not notice the day before.

One of the more interesting architectural details of the building is that many of the motifs have all been localised. This is especially apparent in the Corinthian capitals on the columns: instead of the de rigueur scrolls and acanthus leaves, there are motifs that resemble local flora and fauna on the capitals. The ones on the main door (see picture on left) to the chapel feature what looks like pigeons and chrysanthemums.

What I admire about the colonial architects then is that not only were they sensitive to the local climate and modified architectural details to suit it, the motifs have also been localised and integrated into the details.

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