Here is the plan for the upcoming sketchwalk on JUNE 30. We will meet at MacDonalds, 930am. (Opp Braddell MRT stn)
On a first-come-first-go basis, we will assign you to a group to cover a specific area in this area of Toa Payoh. This will be a different area from the previous one. There are many interesting spots to draw there, including a dragon playground, SPH, and some old HDB flats with interesting designs.
This is a continuation of the previous sketchwalk where selected drawings emailed to Epigram will be published in our new series of books covering different neighbourhoods in singapore. If your drawing gets selected to be in the book, you will get one complimentary copy of the book + 40% off a second copy. If more than 3 drawings gets selected, you will get 2 complimentary copies. Anyone who joins us may submit their drawings for the book, even if it will be your first time joining. If you do not wish you participate in the book, no problem, you may join us as usual and have fun drawing!
The sheet below will be handed out during the next sketchwalk. But you may want to download it into your iphone for quick reference if you'd like to cover the locations before the next sketchwalk or after. We have one month from this sketchwalk to cover all these locations as these locations represent TPY and will definately need to be included in the book. See you saturday and have fun sketching!
You will notice that there is a special group that will go in the afternoon as a extra adhoc sketchwalk. It's separate because it is a bit out of the way. That group may be going today (23 JUNE) to cover the monastary. If we manage to cover it today, we won't need to cover it on 30 JUNE.
1) All pictures need to be scanned hi-res 350dpi (for A5 and bigger drawings). If your picture is smaller (eg.A6), scan it at 600dpi so it can be blown up further.
2) Save them in .jpg format. RGB colour format.
3) Upload them to using WeTransfer or YouSendIt (They are free large file transfer services)
4) Send them to jocelyn@epigrambooks.sg.
If you don't own a scanner, you can hand me or Zaihan the originals after the sketchwalk. But please note your name and number on the back. We will scan them and return them to you.
I just want to tell you that I'm coming for the sketchwalk! See you there! (Can you wait for me please? Merci beaucoup.)
ReplyDeleteMais oui! We will meet at MacDonalds, 930am. (Opp Braddell MRT stn). A bientôt!